Phil Harding (Co-founder) shares the story behind the business.
What’s in a name? In Inverroche’s case, it’s the owners’ ancestral roots coming together to celebrate the local area where their gins are made. “Inver” is a Scottish word meaning ‘a confluence of water’. “Roche” is a French word meaning ‘rock or stone’. Together they combine to perfectly describe Still Bay, where the distillery is based.
What’s unique about Inverroche?
It’s all in the name. The elements of Still Bay come together to create a rare ecosystem: fynbos. Fynbos is home to 9,500 different species of plants and vegetation. And 70% of them only grow in the area around Still Bay. But it’s been under threat from agricultural development in modern times.
Inverroche is the very first gin to capture its unique flavours. And that’s how Lorna, the owner, and her family want to preserve and protect the ecosystem whilst communicating the story of our shared human ancestry. Endangered plants aren’t used to make the gins.
Everything about Inverroche is hand-crafted. It showcases the skills and savoir-faire of the local people. They combine with the unique botanicals to create a luxury drink.